Why should we donate through QFA instead of our fertility clinic?

At Quiver Full Adoptions, Inc., we provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that the family you choose to adopt your embryos are screened for criminal history and child abuse, issued an approved home study and financial audit, in addition to receiving education hours pertaining to how to parent an adoptee. By using our agency, you also have the opportunity to have contact with your adopting family to whatever extent you both are comfortable. Ultimately we are driven by our calling to provide quality adoption services and believe the relationships formed and quality of service received is what sets our brand and agency apart.

How does the legal process work?

Adoption Agreement & Relinquishment Forms are legal contracts drawn between the donating family and adopting family. While there is currently no legislation regulating Embryo Adoption, we work with experienced attorneys every step of the way. The contract covers the transfer of property and also includes some additional adoption language to ensure all bases are covered legally. The contract is signed and executed prior to the embryos being shipped to the adoptive parent's fertility clinic of choice, and before the embryos are implanted through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Why Quiver Full?

The name Quiver Full comes from Psalm 127: 4-5, "Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!" We believe children are a blessing and pursuing adoption in order to grow your family is a beautiful thing! 

We are not a part of the quiver full movement—we actually had no clue what this even was until we started getting asked this question.

How much does it cost for us to donate embryos?

There is no cost for genetic parents to donate embryos. All fees are incurred by the adopting family. By law, we cannot reimburse the donor family for any fees incurred in the retrieval process, IVF, or storage of your embryos.

Does QFA offer open or closed adoptions with the Embryo Program?

Open adoption is encouraged; however, we will respect your choice of an open or closed adoption, and match you with recipients who agree to whatever level of openness you desire.

What does the Embryo Program include?

  1. Obtaining and preparing placing families,

  2. Matching donors and adopters with similar desires,

  3. Ensuring FDA compliance,

  4. Coordination of clinic communications and shipping,

  5. Coordination with attorneys who will provide proven and secure legal documentation.

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