Quiver Full Adoptions, Inc. became a nonprofit licensed child placing agency after following a calling placed on our hearts to fight against what has become the norm across the adoption realm. Couples who feel led to pursue a private adoption domestically are looking at an average price tag of 45,000, and that is heartbreaking. Quiver Full Adoptions, Inc. provides an affordable option with our average adoption right at $25,000. This past summer, the Lord began giving us a burden for not just adoptive families, but also the expectant families choosing life for their child through adoption. It is because of that burden that Quiver Full became a licensed agency, and is now looking to stop the orphan crisis, offer support to expectant mothers, while answering the call of adoption with waiting families ready to provide a safe and loving home for children. Will you partner with us as we raise money to help couples offset the burden of cost linked with adoption, offer support to expectant mothers, and allow more families to answer the call to bring a child into their home? 

1. Make a Donation

2. Support Our Expectant Mothers

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